Fajn Radio Fulnek

Best of rock, pop, folk and American country. "Fajn Radio Fulnek" is a free and independent internet radio station that was founded in April, 2014. Its headquarters is in Fulnek, a picturesque historic town in the northeastern part of the Czech Republic. It focuses mainly on rock, pop and folk music including American country music. The radio station operates on a voluntary basis, volunteers have their own jobs and careers, and they are dedicated to the station only in their spare time. The station operates free of charge and does not generate any profits. Our station offers: great music and the Czech music for all, space for young and aspiring musicians, music bands and singers, free space for the promotion of humanitarian organizations, non-profit foundations and associations, space for your podcasts and your thoughts, space for your advertising and promotion ....

Popular radiostations in Ceska republika


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